A unique solution to store hydrogen
in existing O&G infrastructure in large quantities.

As of today, 30 GW of offshore wind farms are in operation in Northern Europe.

The installed capacity is expected to reach 340 GW in 2050 with a generation of 1500 TWh, half of the European consumption in 2022.

In the context of the energy transition trying to eliminate fossil fuels, Green H2 is a must to decarbonize industries which consume 10 MT/year of grey H2 produced by natural gas with very significant quantities of CO2 emissions.

There are several projects under development to produce Green H2, using the electricity generated with offshore wind farm and electrolyzers and using gas pipelines to deliver H2 in harbors.

Storing a significant capacity of Green H2 was an issue until this patented process was introduced by INNO BIOGAZ and Nature & People First.

More than 1 TWh of Green H2 can be stored as a gas at 150 bar using the old Gravity Based Structure (GBS) in the North Sea.


North Sea at the Crossroads

Scotland will produce more than 30 GW of offshore wind at a competitive energy production price due to the strongest constant winds in Europe.

The Scottish government is promoting an energy transition to green H2 to remain a leader in energy supply in Europe.

Existing offshore and onshore gas infrastructure to transport significant amounts of gas and green H2 while limiting new investments in electrical power lines.

GBS oil platforms with very large volumes to store a considerable amount of energy of green H2.

Competitive green H2 produced by wind farm that can be stored and delivered to existing O&G infrastructure, thus limiting new public investment.

North Sea at the Crossroads

Scotland will produce more than 30 GW of offshore wind at a competitive energy production price due to the strongest constant winds in Europe.

North Sea at the Crossroads

The Scottish government is promoting an energy transition to green H2 to remain a leader in energy supply in Europe.

North Sea at the Crossroads

Existing offshore and onshore gas infrastructure to transport significant amounts of gas and green H2 while limiting new investments in electrical power lines.

North Sea at the Crossroads

GBS oil platforms with very large volumes to store a considerable amount of energy of green H2.

Competitive green H2 produced by wind farm that can be stored and delivered to existing O&G infrastructure, thus limiting new public investment.